This year’s World Championship was a special one in the long history of the FCI
World championships. It was the first one outside of Europe. It was a pity that
not all Kennel-Clubs, who belong to the “Agility World” did send participants, but
I am proud of the teams who travel the long way to Johannesburg, only those who
have been there became part of the highest Agility event of the year.
We had a wonderful opening ceremony, with the spirit of South African music and
© Uwe Dybski

Course drawing
To be crowned World Champion is an honour, but this title can only be won after
a heated competition, after a huge amount of training and after demonstrating a
fantastic positive attitude. All handlers who stepped to the startline with their
dogs showed both the emotional as well as the physical commitment to their dogs.
We saw wonderful runs, fair sportsmanship, a wonderful atmosphere between all handlers,
wherever they come from. All starters give the very best they could.
© Uwe Dybski

Winning team Large - agility run: 1st Germany, 2nd Switzerland and 3rd Austria
We had courses created by the South African judge Gawie Faul, courses which Europeans
are not very familiar with, but they managed. The courses created by the international
judge from Norway, Harald Schjelderup, made the starters feel more comfortable.
The president of the KUSA, Greg Eva, and the chairman of the KUSA, Mr Thomas staid
all four days at the WC and followed all runs and were astonished because of the
team work between handler and dog and the high speed the teams managed the courses.
© Uwe Dybski

Winners - Individual - Jumping run Large : 1st Liska Radovan (CZ), 2nd Helmut Paulik (AT), 3rd Philipp Müller-Schnick (DE)
The KUSA and the organising committee of the WC with all volunteers did a lot of
work in advance and during the WC, for that I would like to thank all of them.
Helmut Paulik, a member of the Austrian team, will never forget this WC, he made
in front of all starters and spectators (and we had thousands of spectators) a proposal
to his girl friend Christina Brunner singing a love-song and asking her to marry
him; she said “yes” and you could see tears in the eyes of half of the people around
them. That was not the only success he could be happy about. He is the individual
World Champion in category Large, he had excellent runs.
These are the World Champions:
Team Large : Switzerland
Team Medium : Switzerland
Team Small : Germany
Category Large : Helmut Paulik (Austria)
Category Medium : David Molina Gimeno (Spain)
Category Small : Conny Spengler (Switzerland)
Winning the title of Agility World Champion is the highest sporting achievement,
which will remain with the winner forever.
© Uwe Dybski

The German Team with the African dancers
Last but not least I hope we can keep the spirit of this special World Champions
for the next one in Luxembourg 2014.
Christa Bremer
President of the FCI Agility Commission
Copyright: Eugene Marais