Interview with Dr Lubomir Siroky, President of the Czech canine organisation
© Karl Donvil

Dr Lubomir Siroky
Does it make you nervous to be the one to organise the next European Dog Show?
At the moment a little bit, yes.
What did you learn from this show?
I have already seen a lot of European Dog shows but I am getting more and more experienced.
This show was really well-organised, visitors and exhibitors were satisfied.
Can you tell me in a few words what you would avoid or do in a different way and
what you would copy from this show?
I hope we could offer more pavilions – i.e. more space. Though the rings at this
show are large, I would like to prepare an even bigger main ring with a lot of space
for visitors and audience.
Best in Show programme and moderators were really excellent; it is a great challenge
for us.
And what is, in your opinion, the best part of this show?
The judges did not have to judge excessive numbers of dogs and were perfectly cared
for. And as I told before, the moderators were marvelous.
How many dogs do you hope to have for your show next year and how much can you handle?
We don’t have problems to handle over 16,000 entries and I hope for 20,000. We have
3 big pavilions with much more space and we will not only make large rings, but
also with more space in between the rings.
Can you tell the exhibitors something about the venue (parking, camping, access,
hotels etc.)?
The exhibition area is one of the biggest in Europe. Some shows held there are much
bigger than dog shows, there are 8,000 parking places, a TV Studio inside, 10 restaurants
all within the area, it’s like a city within a city.
Do you have special arrangements with hotels for the exhibitors?
The owner of the exhibition halls has individual agreements with all hotels in Brno.
It is available via the website of the show.
How will you organise the camping ground?
There will be a special area for people with caravans. More information will be
made available on the website.
How far is the showground from the city-centre?
The show ground is within the city area and about 2 km away from the centre. It
is also close to the highway and you can enter the showground from no less than
12 gates.
Well that sounds very promising. I wish you good luck and hope you will have a very
successful show next year.
Interview by Karl Donvil