© Kim Hechler

The 23rd FCI IPO World Championship was held on 19-22 September 2013
in the stadium of the the beautiful city of Roudnice nad Labem. “nad Labem” means
next to the river Elbe.
In June of this year, the Elbe overflowed and the stadium and surroundings were
covered by 4 meters of water. This means that, after the water was gone and the
situation was back to “almost” normal, the organisation had a tremendous lot of
extra work to do, to get everything in order in time. They have done a very good
job, everything was ready in time and even the hotel, next to the stadium was repainted
and ready for this event. Chapeau!!!
There were 125 competitors coming from 37 different countries and we could see the
work of German Shepherds, Malinois, Giant Schnauzers and a Tervuren Shepherd. All
days of the competition, the weather was perfect for all the dogs to show their
The tracking was done under the supervision of Hari Arcon, a well known Slovenian
FCI judge and the judge for tracking was Zdravco Klicek from Croatia.
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The tracking fields were equal for all dogs and the tracks were laid very well.
A lot of dogs could get a good result in this phase and we have to thank the tracklayers
for their work.
The results were: 32% Excellent, 38% Very Good, 25% Good, 2% Sufficient and 3% Insufficient.
All these results were given by Zdravco Klicek from Croatia who has done a excellent
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Under the Supervision of Wilfried Schäpermeier from Germany the performances in
the stadium, obedience and protection were shown.
© Kim Hechler

In obedience, judged by Lene Carlson from Denmark, we could see a lot of good handling
and the judge made it clear that dogs with a good spirit and free working together
with the handler were rewarded for that. Stressed dogs got, according to the rulebook,
a deduction for that behaviour. The results in obedience were: 7% excellent, 34%
Very Good, 43% Good, 13% Sufficient, 2% Insufficient and 1 Disqualification.
In protection, judged by Alphons van den Bosch from Belgium, we could see some very
impressive and a lot of very good working dogs. Almost half of all dogs got the
rating “good“.
© Kim Hechler

Although some think that “good” is not good enough, we can say that getting a “good”
on an FCI World Championship is indeed a good result.
The results of the protection trial were: 9 x Excellent, 31 x Very Good, 62 x Good,
11 x Sufficient, 8 x insufficient, 2 x Disqualification and 1 dog had to stop the
protection work because of an injury.
Individual FCI World Champion 2013 is Josef Adamuscin with his German Shepherd Chris
Spod Lazov with a total of 293 points. The 2nd place was for Mathias Dögel with
his Belgian Shepherd Malinois Holle vom Holzhäuzer Flur with also a total of 293
points and the 3rd place was for Mario Verslijpen from Belgium with his Belgian
Shepherd Malinois, Hasco van de Duvetorre with a total of 290 points.
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The best team and 2013 FCI World Champion is Slovakia. The 2nd place was for the
team of the USA and 3rd was the German team.
With once again a big “Thank you” to the Czech organisation, we already look forward
to the 2014 FCI World Championship in Malmö, Sweden.
Frans Jansen
President of the FCI Commission for Utility Dogs