It is tradition that prior to the FCI European Section or World Dog Show, the organising
country holds its International Championship Show too. If so many dogs come from
all over Europe and even the World, it is a good idea to combine those two shows
so that a dog can compete for national Championship as well as for European Championship.
Day 1
The first day of the FCI European Section Show, 2937 dogs were on term : Group I,
Group III, Group V and Group VII. The total number of entries for the show was over
8000. The venue is large and located next to the airport. The complex has 8 halls
but only one was in use for the show. That can give you an indication of the size
of the halls. The public transport in Geneva is excellent and that helps a lot.
In the city I have seen some publicity panels to announce the show and in the bus
a short video was shown too.
Day 2
Day 2 was another day of sunshine and pleasant weather Once in the halls I was immediately
focused on the most crowded ring in the halls. The reason was clear when I approached,
it was the ring of the popular Bernese Mountain Dogs. No wonder that there were
a lot of spectators around.
© Karl Donvil

It was much easier to walk around than the first day. We had Group II, Group VI
and Group X for 2729 entries. Most of the rings were large enough and there were
no complaints about it. The dogs were allowed in the halls from as early as 7:30
and the judging started at 9:30, earlier than usual for this kind of shows. The
main ring started at 13:30 and the result was that the show day was already over
at 17:00, which is very early and unusual. In Bratislava the show days ended around
21:00 and the Finals almost around 22:00. Right before the main ring started there
was a group of people giving a small demonstration of Bernese Mountain Dogs and
Saint Bernard Dogs pulling chariots and during the final judging on Saturday there
were two performances of heelwork to music. I was impressed by an-84-year old lady
who did very well for her age and it showed that working with dogs can keep you
I liked the fact that all judges were working in the very same way. The dogs were
first lined up around the ring, then a selection was made and those dogs were lined
up opposite the VIP-Eukanuba Stand, the Judges on the left side, the Press and Public
on the rights side. Very often the judge can do as he likes and then you have the
dogs running in all possible directions and that results in very different photos,
some being OK, some from an impossible angle. I suppose that the briefing for the
judges was very strict. The main ring was very sober, no flowers or so, but the
light was correct. One side of the ring was strictly reserved for the judges, the
front side was the Eukanuba stand with seats for their VIP’s, and the dogs came
in and out from the opposite side. The stairs for the public on the opposite were
rather small; unfortunately, for the finals there was not enough room for all the
© Karl Donvil

The stand holders in general were happy. They were all situated in one corner of
the halls and as everything happened in one hall they were visible from everywhere.
On the last day the show started very early again and this time the dogs from Group
IV, Group VII and Group IX were on term. I had the impression that there was much
more room in the halls, but that was logical as only Group VIII has larger dogs.
Everything was well cleaned up again, inside and outside the halls. The judges stayed
in the hotel directly behind the halls and they could easily walk within 5 minutes
to the hall which meant no delay from their side either. Most judges were not overloaded
and could finish early. During the day everything was focused on the judging and
all this together was probably the reason why every day the main ring could start
so early and finish well in time.
I had a few interviews during the day and it was amazing that I could not find any
complaints, the trade stand holders were happy, the exhibitors, the judges, the
president…In the morning we had a final Press Meeting together with the organisers
of future World and European Shows. Hardly any question, let stand complaints.
I have tried to compile some interesting numbers that I was able to collect, the
best scoring judges/day and the breeds with high numbers.
© Karl Donvil

Friday had a lot of judges with over 100 dogs to judge, Mr Rui Oliveira (Portugal)
had 109, Mrs Elisabeth Feuz from Switzerland who had 85 Jack Russels and 40 Parsons.
Mr Petru Muntean had several breeds and a total of 114 dogs. Mrs Gitty Schwab, President
of the Fédération Cynologique du Luxembourg, had 106 Terriers and Mr Luis Pinto
Teixeira from Portugal had 114 entries to Judge. Mr Kari Järvinen (Finland) had
a total of 106 entries, 85 Miniature Spitz included, his compatriot Mrs Marja Talvitie
had 99 entries, 69 Samoyedes being her highest entry. Mrs Maria Kavcic from Slovenia
had two breeds, 62 Akita Inus and 52 Shibas. The Siberian Huskies were 126 all together
and divided between Mr Teixeira and Mr Ronny Doedijns (Netherlands). High entry
was the Amstaffs, 98 in total.
High attending breeds on Saturday were: 67 Basset Hounds, 86 Whippets, 104
Rhodesian Ridgebacks, 62 Bullmastiffs and 71 Shar Peis. Mrs Monique Van Brempt judged
103 Beagles. The Bernese Mountain Dogs were divided over two judges and outnumbered
all other breeds on Saturday. Mrs Regula Bürgi from Switzerland judged the major
part, 131 dogs! Mr Stefan Sinko from Slovenia had 86 English Bulldogs, another amazing
score while Mr Bojan Matakovic from Croatia judged 85 Cane Corso and 37 Tchiorny
On Sunday there was only one judge with over 100 dogs, Mr Hans Van den Berg
from the Netherlands had 108 smooth Chihuahuas in his ring. Impressive numbers are
69 Flat Coated Retrievers, 106 Labradors, 119 Golden Retrievers, 98 Pugs, 178 Chihuahuas
(both varieties), 64 Pekingese, 154 French Bulldogs, 79 Chinese Crested, 195 Poodles
(all varieties) and 350 Dachshunds (all varieties).
This FCI European Section Show was a very good show, without any major complaints.
Mrs Müller and Mr Pichard can look back with satisfaction, congratulations to both
and their team.
Next FCI European Section Show will be held in Brno in the Czech Republic, from
October 23rd till 26th, with probably over 18,000 dogs. The
2014 World Dog Show. It will be organised in Helsinki (Finland) from 8 till 10 August
and will probably attract a similar high number of entries. See you there?
Karl Donvil